Pick Up Locations
For town pick ups, please arrive 15 minutes prior to tour time for Mile 5 and Athabasca River trips (eg. 8:45AM for a 9:00AM trip time).
For town pick ups, ***please arrive 60 minutes*** prior to tour time for Sunwapta River trip (eg. 11:45AM for a 12:45PM trip time).
The RV Parking lot is located next to the Jasper Home Building Centre (706 Sleepy Hollow Road), and is directly across the railway tracks from the set of traffic lights at the intersection of Connaught Drive and Hazel Avenue. Look for our yellow rafting buses.
Alpine Village Jasper
For Athabasca River trips, please be ready 10 minutes prior to trip time outside the Alpine Village front office. For Sunwapta River trips, please be ready 55 minutes prior to trip time. Look for our yellow rafting school bus.
*This option is only available for those staying at Alpine Village
Whistler's Campground
For Athabasca River trips – please be ready at the shuttle bus pick up area (outside the main entrance by the Jasper Transit sign) at Whistler's Campground 5 minutes prior to tour departure time (e.g. 8:55AM for a 9:00AM departure). Look for our yellow rafting school bus.
For Sunwapta River trip, please be ready 50 minutes prior to tour departure time (eg. 11:55AM for a 12:45PM departure). Look for our yellow rafting buses.
*This option is only available for those staying at Whistler's Campground
Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
For Athabasca River trips please be ready 30 minutes prior to trip time outside the lobby of the Jasper Park Lodge. For Sunwapta River trips, please be ready 75 minutes prior to trip time. Keep your eyes open for one of our yellow rafting school bus, or our white shuttle van.
*This option is only available for those staying at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
SUNWAPTA SELF-DRIVE TRIP – Meet 300m south of Sunwapta Falls Rocky Mountain Lodge
Please arrive 15 minutes before your trip time (eg. 9:30AM for a 9:45AM trip), and be aware that it is a ~45 minute drive from Jasper to the Self-Drive pickup location (assuming there are no delays), so please plan accordingly to ensure you arrive on time.
The Self-Drive pickup location is the Highway 93 rest stop located 300m south of the Sunwapta Falls Rocky Mountain Lodge. There is a newly constructed, fenced-in utility shed at the turnoff for this rest stop.
Note: It is not the parking lot for the Sunwapta Falls.
Also note: If you arrive on time, there is a good chance that our bus will not be there yet.
If you have any questions about where to go, or when to meet, please contact our office before leaving Jasper, as there is no cellphone reception by the Sunwapta Falls.